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Microsoft Word 2019 ist konfiguriert und fertig zur Nutzung.
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Mehr dazu Microsoft Word 2019
Word 2019 is Microsoft's latest word processor, part of the Office 2019. It boasts improved performance on the previous version, and more features. Do more with your docs: Pop in an online video, open a PDF and edit the content, align pictures and diagrams with minimal fuss. The new Read Mode is clean and distraction-free and it works great on tablets. Teaming-up is better too, with direct connections to your online spaces and streamlined review features like Simple Markup and comments
Work with others simultaneously on a document regardless of the device you're using.
Visualize financial or hierarchical data, and highlight statistical properties of your data with new chart types.
Easily switch from one device to the next without missing a beat. View and edit your Office documents across Windows, Android, and Apple devices.